AEW Dynamite Results (4/14): Two Title Matches, Mike Tyson Appears

AEW Dynamite aired from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Young Bucks put their AEW Tag Team Championships on the line against PAC & Rey Fenix tonight. Darby Allin defended the TNT Championship against Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match in the main event.

Dynamite Results (4/14):

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  1. Young Bucks def. PAC & Rey Fenix to retain the AEW Tag Team Championships
  2. Jade Cargill def. Red Velvet
  3. Anthony Ogogo def. Cole Karter
  4. Chris Jericho def. Dax Harwood
  5. Kris Statlander def. Amber Nova
  6. Darby Allin def. Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the TNT Championship

Here are the takeaways from this week’s episode of Dynamite:

Young Bucks Retained

Young Bucks defended their AEW Tag Team Championships against PAC and Rey Fenix in the first match of the night. Don Callis accompanied Matt and Nick Jackson to the ring.

Pac and Matt Jackson started off the action. The two traded holds before Fenix and Nick tagged in. Nick and Rey both went for a Dropkick at the same time and then Nick connected with a Clothesline as the tag team division was shown watching the match in the crowd.

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Fenix and Pac unloaded several kicks to Matt until he fell to the canvas. Fenix went for the cover but Matt kicked out at two. Matt tripped up Rey and knocked Pac off the apron before tagging Nick Jackson back into the match.

Nick booted Rey in the face and slammed him to the canvas. Nick took a break to smile for the camera and showed off his DIOR boots as the crowd chanted “those are fake!”. Young Bucks leveled Fenix a couple Dropkicks for a two count.

Pac tagged in and connected with a Brainbuster for a two count. Pac hit Matt in the chest with a few kicks but Nick tripped him up. Matt capitalized on the distraction with a Dropkick through the ropes. Young Bucks then Powerbombed Pac and Fenix onto the ring apron.

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Nick sent Pac to the turnbuckle and followed it up with a knee to the face. When Dynamite returned from a commercial break, Nick slammed Rey to the floor outside the ring and Young Bucks isolated Pac in the corner of the ring. Matt mocked Pac before leveling him with a Clothesline.

Matt hit another Clothesline and continued to mock him and the crowd in attendance. Pac responded with a Clothesline and slowly made his way to the corner. Fenix and Nick tagged in and Rey connected with a Crossbody.

Fenix crotched Nick on the top rope and followed it up with an incredible springboard Hurricanrana. Fenix connected with a Cutter and went for the cover but Nick was able to kick out at the last second. Pac tagged in and hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Pac followed it up with a German Suplex for another two count. Pac made his way to the top rope but Nick brought him down. Rey hit Matt with a Superkick but turned around into a Destroyer from Nick Jackson.

Matt and Pac traded punches in the middle of the ring. The two then battled on the apron and to the floor. Rey hit Matt with a reverse Hurricanrana and followed it up with a Cutter to Nick Jackson. Back in the ring, Pac drove Matt to the corner and perched him up on the top turnbuckle.

Fenix tagged in as Pac hit a Superplex. Rey connected with a Frog Splash and went for the cover but Matt kicked out at two. Pac tagged back in and hit the Black Arrow but Nick broke up the pin. Nick dragged Matt to the corner and tagged himself in. Nick ran into a kick to the face but hit Pac with a low blow.

Fenix tagged in and Matt leveled him with a Superkick. Nick Jackson ripped Rey’s mask off and Young Bucks hit him with a double Superkick for the pinfall victory. Young Bucks are still the AEW Tag Team Champions.

Jade Cargill def. Red Velvet

Jade Cargill squared off against Red Velvet in the 2nd match of the evening. Red Velvet went right after Jade to start off the action. Red Velvet hit a kick to the face and sent Jade out of the ring. Red Velvet connected with a Suicide Dive but Jade launched her into the barricade. Jade hit a Fallaway Slam that sent Red Velvet over the barricade and into the crowd.

Cargill planted Red Velvet with a Suplex as Dynamite went to a commercial break. When Dynamite returned, Cargill went for a Spear and wound up hitting the ring post. Red Velvet connected with a Clothesline and followed it up with a Facebuster.

Red Velvet hit a standing Moonsault and went for the cover but Jade kicked out at two. Red Velvet made her way to the top rope and went for a Moonsault but Cargill got out of the way. Cargill followed it up with the Jaded for the pinfall victory.

Opinion: Both Jade Cargill and Red Velvet were great in this match. Cargill has incredible potential and can easily become the face of AEW’s women’s division.

Anthony Ogogo Debuted With A Win

Anthony Ogogo faced Cole Karter tonight. Ogogo drove Karter to the corner of the ring and hit him with a chop to the chest. Karter hit an Arm Drag but Ogogo decked him with a punch to the ribs. The referee quickly stopped the match and awarded Ogogo the win.

Jericho def. Dax Harwood

Chris Jericho faced Dax Harwood tonight on Dynamite. Mike Tyson was the special guest enforcer for the match. MJF tried to bribe Tyson backstage with a blank check but Tyson ripped it up and ate it.

Harwood and Jericho started the match off by trading punches in the middle of the ring. Jericho got the better of the exchange and sent Dax out of the ring. Jericho grabbed a steel chair and went to hit Dax but Mike Tyson broke it up. Harwood capitalized and unloaded some chops to Jericho.

Dax trash talked with Tyson and Jericho capitalized by sending Harwood into the barricade. Harwood and Jericho then traded punches in the crowd before the action returned to the ring.

Jericho hit Harwood with several Clotheslines in the corner and followed it up with another one that knocked Dax out of the ring. Harwood hit Jericho with a microphone and threw him into the barricade. Jericho then grabbed a pen and stabbed Dax with it. Jericho connected with a Body Slam and took the camera away from the cameraman.

Dax flipped Jericho off before the action returned to the ring. Harwood and Tyson started arguing again as Dynamite went to a break. Harwood was still in control when Dynamite returned. Jericho battled back with a couple shoulder tackles as Sammy Guevara looked on from ringside.

Jericho hit a Bulldog and followed it up with a Lionsault for a near fall. Le Champion leveled Harwood with a Clothesline for another two count. Harwood battled back and planted Jericho with a Powerbomb for a two count. Dax went for a Flying Headbutt but Jericho dodged it and Dax crashed to the canvas. Jericho then applied the Liontamer but Wheeler broke it up with a cheap shot.

Sammy Guevara beat Wheeler down outride the ring as Harwood hit a Brainbuster for a two count. Jericho responded with a Codebreaker as The Pinnacle battled with Inner Circle on the entrance ramp. Sammy tackled MJF as Wheeler brought a baseball bat on the apron. Tyson leveled Cash with a punch to the face as Jericho connected with the Judas Effect for the pinfall victory.

Kris Statlander Dominated In Her In-Ring Return

Kris Statlander returned to action tonight against Amber Nova. Best Friends & Orange Cassidy were ringside for the match. Statlander connected with an Arm Drag and followed it up with a Powerslam. Amber Nova started smacking Kris in the face and Statlander responded with a slam. Statlander followed it up with a Senton and an uppercut in the corner. Statlander connected with a knee to the face and a Piledriver for the pinfall victory.

Powerhouse Hobbs Attacked Christian Cage

Tony Schiavone interviewed Christian Cage tonight on Dynamite. Cage said this was the first time he had an interview with Tony and it was a huge deal for him. Team Taz immediately interrupted and bitched about Cage not responding to his offer to join the team. Taz asked if Cage wanted to join or not and Christian said Team Taz is a dumpster fire. Christian added that he doesn’t come to AEW to fix Taz’s problems, he came here to win titles.

Taz called Cage “shitbag” and claimed Christian just made the biggest mistake of his life. Taz added that he never liked Christian’s buddy that carried him his entire career as well. Will Hobbs then made his way to the ring and tried to attack Christian. Cage hit a couple punches but Powerhouse Hobbs shrugged them off. Hook distracted Christian and Hobbs connected with a Clothesline. Hobbs slammed Christian into the barricade a couple times before slamming him to the floor outside the ring.

Darby Allin Retained In A Wild Falls Count Anywhere Match

Darby Allin put the TNT Championship on the line against Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match in this week’s main event. Hardy brought a steel chair into the ring and hit Allin across the back as he went for a Coffin Drop. Matt bounced Darby’s face off the ring apron several times as the crowd chanted “Hardy sucks!”.

Matt took a seat on the steel chair in the middle of the ring and started taunting Darby. Allin tried to battle back but Matt connected with a Neckbreaker for a near fall. Hardy put Darby’s head on the steel chair and went for a Twist of Fate but Darby escaped.

Allin hit Hardy with the steel chair a few times and Butcher, Blade, and Private Party rushed the ring. Butcher hit Allin with a trash can as Dark Order joined the party. The Hardy Family Office and Dark Order brawled as Sting made his way to the ring. Sting Clotheslined Private Party out of the ring as Dynamite went to a break.

Hardy Suplexed Allin onto a trash can during the break as Sting beat Blade down. Allin battled back with some punches and bashed the trash can over Matt’s head. Allin and Matt were still battling outside the ring when Dynamite returned.

Matt launched Allin into the barricade and the TNT Champion crashed to the floor. Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page tried to attack Sting but Lance Archer got in the way. Sting and Archer stared at each other in the ring before Lance hit Kassidy with the Blackout.

Sting gave Darby Allin the baseball bat and went backstage. Hardy caught Allin with a low blow and hit a Twist of Fate as Darby’s head was in the steel chair. Matt went for the cover but Darby kicked out a two. Matt brought Allin backstage and set up a ladder next to a table.

Hardy put Allin on top of the table and hit him with several punches. Matt climbed up the ladder and hit a Leg Drop through the table for a two count. Matt brought Darby to the edge of the stage and went for a Powerbomb but Allin escaped. Allin then hit Matt with a low blow and retrieved the baseball bat.

Hardy put Allin on top of the table and hit him with several punches. Matt climbed up the ladder and hit a Leg Drop through the table for a two count. Matt brought Darby to the edge of the stage and went for a Powerbomb but Allin escaped. Allin then hit Matt with a low blow and retrieved the baseball bat.

Darby beat Matt down with the baseball bat and put him on top of the announce table. Allin then connected with a massive Coffin Drop for the pinfall victory. Darby Allin is still the TNT Champion.
