Marko Stunt Breaks Leg At GCW Event, Requires Immediate Surgery

Another up-and-coming star on the independent scene has gone down to injury. “Mr. Fun Size” Marko Stunt revealed following last night’s show that he suffered a broken fibula at Game Changer Wrestling’s PPV last night.

Stunt was wrestling Eli Everfly when the injury occurred. Twitter user @GIFSkull posted video of the injury:

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Stunt is already scheduled for surgery this morning. He sent out the following Tweet after the event:

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“Thank you to everyone who has reached out to check on me, or wished me a speedy recovery! Unfortunately, I did suffer a bad break in my leg tonight. I have to have surgery in a few hours, and will keep everyone updated”

Marko Stunt Breaks Leg On Game Changers Wrestling PPV

Less than 3 weeks after both Joey Janela and Marko Stunt appeared at All In, Janela wrestled Psychosis on a GCW PPV. While diving from the ring ropes to the floor, Janela suffered multiple injuries to his knees. He required surgery and is expected to be out 9 months to a year.

Janela posted the following to Twitter early this morning in regards to Stunt’s injury:

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“Unfortunately my man @MarkoStunt suffered a bad break of his Fibula and needs immediate surgery in the morning, can we take care of him in whatever means necessary everyone?”
