Home Wrestling News WrestleMania 34 Predictions

WrestleMania 34 Predictions

WrestleMania 34 Predictions

This weekend’s WrestleMania 34 pay-per-view is sure to be one of the top pro wrestling shows of the year. WrestleMania is always a huge deal, but WWE has stacked the deck with this year’s show. The card is strong from top to bottom and there are several special attractions (Daniel Bryan’s return, Ronda Rousey’s debut, Styles vs. Nakamura) that all but guarantee this is a show that will stand out from a historical perspective.

As we march towards Sunday, we gathered some predictions from the SEScoops team, including Robert Lentini, Brad Davis, Jake Jeremy, Fernando Quiles Jr. and Roderick Stedman. Here are our predictions for each match on the card. We encourage you to share your own predictions in the comments thread!

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Robert: WWE likes to bring up NXT talent on special occasions.  Andrade “Cien” Almas and Adam Cole were in the Royal Rumble match this year.  Sullivan will be a force when he arrives on the main roster and maybe the WWE Universe will get a preview of that at WrestleMania 34.

Fernando: There should be some surprises at this year’s Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Celebrities such as Shaquille O’Neal and Rob Gronkowski have made their presence felt at the Battle Royal. I’m getting some WrestleMania 32 vibes with this one and I feel another NXT star will get the win here. My pick is Killian Dain.

Brad: This should be a fun filler match with some surprises, whether it’s NXT or the world of professional sports. I’d love to see a callback to WrestleMania 2 with a few New Orleans Saints NFL players, which you know the crowd would go nuts for. As for a prediction – I say Matt Hardy DELETES the other competitors and gets a WrestleMania Moment in this fifth installment of the Andre battle royal.

Roderick: Elias is a great shout.  However I’m going to throw in a curve ball in the form of Big Cass who returns from injury.

Consensus: A Superstar From NXT

Women’s Battle Royal


Robert: Sasha Banks and Bayley haven’t been on the same page since the Elimination Chamber, where Banks betrayed Bayley and shoved her off one of the pods. I think Bayley will get her revenge in New Orleans and win the Women’s Battle Royal at WrestleMania 34.

Ian Carey: After doing something dastardly to Bayley, Sasha Banks.

Brad: There’s something oddly familiar about the shape of that trophy, I just can’t put my finger on it .. Anywho, Sasha Banks and Bayley kind of got the shaft by not getting a singles match on the main card. For that reason, I say one of those two get the win here – I’m going with the Boss.

Fernando: I expect more NXT stars to be a part of the women’s battle royal as well. While Sasha Banks and Bayley may be considered favorites to some, I believe they will cause each other’s eliminations and brawl to the back. It wouldn’t surprise me if a legend returns and wins it, but my pick is Becky Lynch as she needs this win perhaps more than anyone.

Roderick: Compared to the men’s battle royal, the women’s has a much larger pool of talent in the ring.  Naomi, Ruby Riot, Natalya and Becky Lynch are just some of the competitors who could win the historic match.  I’d like to see Bayley return to the reputation she had in NXT.

Consensus: Bayley

The Usos vs The New Day vs The Bludgeon Brothers

Robert: The Bludgeon Brothers have dominated New Day and The Usos lately and I don’t expect that to change at WrestleMania 34. The Usos will finally make a WrestleMania main card, but will drop their titles to Harper and Rowan.

Ian: I’m thinking The Uso’s win the triple threat tag match for the SmackDown Live tag team titles, but they will get the pin on New Day and not the Bludgeon Brothers.

Brad: This one has the potential to be a sleeper hit. The Usos and The New Day have had some killer matches and the Bro’s bring a level of physicality that changes the dynamic. WWE loves featuring The New Day, for better or for worse, and you could see WWE giving them to win so they can dance and celebrate a win on WWE’s biggest stage.

Fernando: No doubt about it, WWE seems high on this new gimmick for Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. The Usos and New Day have had a great rivalry, but SmackDown’s tag team division needs to spruce things up a bit. I don’t know if the Bludgeon Brothers are the answer, but I do believe they’ll become the new SmackDown tag team champions.

Roderick: Bludgeon Brothers.  Just watch their recent attacks and matches on SmackDown Live.  Harper’s agility and athleticism is remarkable!

Consensus: The Bludgeon Brothers

Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali

Robert: Both Alexander and Ali deserve the title at this point. This match is a total toss-up. This is a match that is completely flying under the radar right now. I have no idea where it will wind up on the card, but I just know that it will be a highly entertaining match that will be worth watching.

Ian: I’m taking Cedric Alexander to defeat Mustafa Ali.  Cedric has been so close many times and I feel this is his chance to finally wear the gold… or purple, or whatever.

Fernando: Man, this one is a tossup. Since the direction of 205 Live shifted, Alexander and Ali have been positioned as two of the most promising cruiserweights. I think Ali has gold in his future, but it won’t be at WrestleMania 34. It’s been a long time coming for Alexander and I believe he gets his rewards.

Roderick: Please don’t make me decide.  They’re both worthy.  Let’s go with Mustafa Ali to win so that Cedric Alexander can chase the title to win by SummerSlam.

Consensus:  Cedric Alexander

Alexa Bliss vs Nia Jax

Photo Credit: WWE.com

Robert: Nia Jax deserves her WrestleMania moment and I think she is going to get it this year by defeating Alexa Bliss for the RAW Women’s Championship. WWE has been stop and go with Nia Jax. One week she looks like a dominant Superstar and then the next she is either losing a match or completely off the show. It is time for Nia Jax to become dominant on RAW every week.

Ian: Nia Jax will defeat Alexa Bliss.  She might even squash her in a short match.

Fernando: WWE has been saving Alexa Bliss’ comeuppance for WrestleMania. Fans have been clamoring for Nia Jax to not only get her hands on Bliss, but to also capture her first title in WWE. I think she’ll do just that.

Brad: WWE has been getting pretty heavy handed with the body shaming of Nia Jax #Blubber. I don’t think she’s ready for a championship push yet – Alexa Bliss is a much more polished act – but WWE would be somewhat tone deaf to not give Nia the last laugh after all they’ve put her through and the empowering “comfortable with herself” message they’ve been pushing. Nia goes over.

Roderick: Alexa Bliss must have been pretty relieved when Asuka chose Charlotte for her WrestleMania opponent.  However with Nia Jax, Bliss should still be extremely concerned.  It is time for Nia Jax to become a dominant Superstar on RAW.

SEScoops Winner: Nia Jax

The Bar vs Braun Strowman & Unknown Partner

Braun Strowman
Braun Strowman (Photo: Instagram @WWE)

Robert: The tag divisions on both RAW and SmackDown need a jolt. Strowman is one of the most popular Superstars on the roster right now, so it will help the division if he becomes a tag champ. Sheamus & Cesaro could use a fresh start on SmackDown after WrestleMania.

Brad: Braun Strowman clearly does not need a partner, but he’s more than ready to wear his first championship gold in WWE. James Ellsworth would be the perfect pick – and they’re money in them as a wacky unlikely duo. Ellsworth will be in town for WrestleMania weekend – but I don’t see WWE bringing him back as a full-time performer this soon. Samoa Joe returns as Strowman’s partner and the two monsters terrorize RAW’s tag team division for months to come.

Fernando: Rumors have been swirling that Rey Mysterio will be Braun Strowman’s tag team partner to challenge Sheamus and Cesaro for their titles. I don’t care if Gillberg teams with Strowman, “The Monster Among Men” is walking out of WrestleMania with gold.

Roderick: Strowman is winning this one… on his own.  No partner, no nothing.

Consensus: Braun Strowman

Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode vs Jinder Mahal vs Rusev

Robert: The crowd loves Rusev.  He singlehandedly has made this match interesting and is the only Superstar I want to see win this Fatal 4-Way.

Fernando: Rusev may have been added to this United States title match at the last minute, but I think he’ll be celebrating Rusev Day with another U.S. title reign. The momentum Rusev has seems to be too great for even the WWE to ignore.

Brad: Had it not been for the addition of Rusev, this would have been my surefire bathroom/beer break. Jinder Mahal would be a logical choice here – and he was probably better suited for the US Championship than his never-ending WWE title reign, but WWE is not blind to the popularity of Rusev day.

Roderick: No one wants Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal to be in the same ring ever again, and while Bobby Roode has potential, and 2018 will surely be glorious, it’ll be Rusev’s Day without a doubt.

Consensus: Rusev

The Miz vs Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor

Robert: The Miz has done an admirable job with the Intercontinental Championship, but I think it is time he lets it go for a bit. Seth Rollins should be vying for the WWE Championship or the Universal Championship. I wouldn’t mind seeing Rollins switch brands during WWE’s Superstar Shake-Up following WrestleMania. He belongs in the main event and maybe he will get that chance on SmackDown. Finn Balor would make an awesome Intercontinental Champion because he is capable of putting on the best match of the night every time he goes to the ring.

Brad: The Miz just won the IC title back recently – he’s not dropping it just yet. The money is in the chase – and whether it’s Seth Rollins or Finn Balor who ultimately catches him, they’re going to continue running with Miz as champion.

Ian: The Intercontinental Championship Match to me is the hardest to predict.  One line of thinking says Miz will hold the title until he is just about to break Morales’ record and then he’ll lose; another line of thinking is they can just do that story later anyway.  I think Finn Balor takes the title his match however.

Fernando: Three main event wrestlers fighting for the Intercontinental title certainly should make the title seem relevant again. Miz has made it clear that he wants to be known as the greatest Intercontinental champion of all time. I think he steals one here and retains his gold.

Roderick: Finn Balor wins the match to set up a rematch which sees The Miz terrified by The Demon as only he could.

Consensus: Finn Balor

Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

Robert: It wouldn’t be right for Daniel Bryan to lose his first match back in WWE. I am expecting someone to tap out to the Yes Lock, or get pinned following a running knee to the face from Bryan. I’m looking forward to the crowd reaction to Daniel Bryan more than the match itself. I’m not going to expect a ton out of Daniel Bryan in his first match. I think the crowd in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome will add a ton to this match and make it feel even more special.

Ian: I’m picking Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to defeat Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon to get their jobs back.

Brad: A month ago, who would have imagined we’d be talking about Daniel Bryan’s in-ring return in the building that he achieved his biggest career milestone. Bryan and Shane will make for one hell of a team – but I say Shane turns on Bryan and screws him over. Owens and Zayn will pick up the win here – with Bryan feuding with all 3 in the months ahead.

Fernando: You couldn’t script it any better. Daniel Bryan’s return match is happening in the same place where he capture the WWE World Heavyweight title back at WrestleMania 30. I don’t see WWE giving Bryan a loss even with the possibility of Shane getting pinned. I see Bryan making Owens or Zayn tap to the “Yes Lock” sending the “Yep Movement” to Monday Night Raw.

Roderick: Prepare for waterworks, we could see tears as Daniel Bryan picks up the win on his return.

Consensus:Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon

Charlote Flair vs Asuka

Robert: Charlotte versus Asuka is one of the matches I am most looking forward to at WrestleMania 34. I think it would be a bad idea to end Asuka’s streak at WrestleMania 34. Asuka needs to win the title and continue winning. Charlotte could very well wind up being the Superstar that defeats Asuka, but just not at WrestleMania 34.

Fernando: It’s hard to imagine that Asuka’s streak would end before capturing a title and before going one-on-one with Ronda Rousey. Charlotte will provide the challenger with a stern test, but in the end I see Asuka taking it. I think she’ll make Charlotte pass out rather than tap.

Brad: There is still a lot of mileage in the thank for Asuka’s undefeated streak. I expect this to be one of the biggest matches on the show – and it really says a lot that WWE has two Japanese performers with limited English speaking ability challenging for two of the company’s top titles. These two have a very good chance of stealing the show and this is one of the matches I’m most looking forward to. I predict Asuaka is crowned queen and moves over to the SmackDown brand ahead of the next Superstar Shake-Up.

Roderick: If AJ Styles vs Nakamura doesn’t make match of the night, Charlotte versus Asuka will, with Asuka winning her first title on the main roster.  What’s that I hear you ask?  Will Carmella cash in?  No.

Jake Jeremy: Charlotte vs Asuka will be one of the most important matches in WWE history.  It could determine whether WWE takes a chance on the Women’s Division headlining next year’s show with Asuka vs Ronda Rousey.  For now, Asuka to win.

Consensus: Asuka

Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

Robert: I’m hoping that this match turns out well. Rousey is new to the world of professional wrestling, so it was smart to place her in a match alongside Kurt Angle, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. I’m not expecting an instant class, but I think we will see Ronda Rousey force Stephanie McMahon to tap out.

Ian: Angle and Rousey defeat Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.  This will bring Triple H’s WM losses up to 13.

Brad: Ronda Rousey’s first-ever professional wrestling match. Kurt Angle’s WrestleMania return. There’s no way in hell these two don’t go over. Yeah, there’s always the possibility of a screwy heel turn here, but I already predicted the screwy heel turn in the Bryan/Shane match. Rousey and Angle get their feel-good WrestleMania moment and WWE hammers home for Ronda Rousey that she made the right call by joining WWE.

Fernando: I can totally see Triple H and Stephanie picking up a win, even if it isn’t the right thing to do. At the same time, Triple H has a bevy of WrestleMania losses. For the sake of Ronda Rousey’s future and Kurt Angle’s WrestleMania return, I believe “The Game” and the bosses’ daughter will take a backseat.

Roderick: I’m predicting a simultaneous armbar/ankle lock during the match at some point, with Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle picking up the win.

Consensus: Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle

AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Robert: Nakamura won the men’s Royal Rumble match and immediately selected AJ Styles as his opponent at WrestleMania 34. It has been billed as a “dream match” and rightfully so. I’d like to see Shinsuke Nakamura win the WWE Championship on April 8th. Nakamura is an incredibly talented Superstar that has had an up and down first year on the main roster. It would be awesome to see his efforts culminate in winning the WWE Championship at the biggest show of the year. AJ Styles is the perfect opponent for Nakamura, as he will bring out the best in him. I simply cannot wait to see this match.

Brad: I predict this match steals the show and Shinsuke Nakamura is crowned WWE Champion.

Ian: AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura is another tough one.  Which guy do you keep strong?  I’m taking Nakamura to win the title here.

Fernando: When these two met at Wrestle Kingdom 10, the roof nearly blew off the Tokyo Dome. The atmosphere will still be insane. A lot has been made about the injury status of Styles. Honestly, even without the injury my pick remains unchanged. I’ve got Nakamura making history.

Roderick: If you compare the first year of Shinsuke Nakamura on the main roster with AJ Styles, it’s easy to give AJ Styles the win straight away.  I think we’ve seen flashes of brilliance from Nakamura, while Styles has been Mr Consistency, but in the end I’d like to see Nakamura with the belt by the end of the night.

Jake Jeremy: This has been ‘The Match’ ever since the moment they stood opposite each other at Money In The Bank.  WWE has done the right thing in keeping these two apart until now.  As for who will win? Nakamura.

Consensus: Nakamura

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns

Robert: I would be absolutely shocked if Roman Reigns does not defeat Brock Lesnar to become the new Universal Champion at WrestleMania 34. Everyone already knows that WWE wants Roman Reigns to be the face of the company and everyone is going to reject it again. Reigns will survive Suplex City, kick out of an F-5 and then win the match with a giant Spear. Yay.

Ian: Unfortunately, Roman Reigns defeats Brock Lesnar here.

Roderick: I’ve been told time and time again by SEScoops contributor Jake Jeremy that Roman was destined for the Universal Title at WrestleMania 34, even before he defeated The Undertaker… he’s been spot on the money all the way along.

Fernando: Roman Reigns has to win this match, right? Even if Lesnar re-signs with WWE, it’s hard to imagine having Lesnar reign much longer under his schedule. It’s even more difficult to picture WWE’s golden boy falling to a part-timer fair and square in the main event of WrestleMania. There really is no other option in my mind.

Jake Jeremy: If Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns mainevent, the crowd could (will) dampen the ending where Roman stands tall with the Universal title.  Hopefully Cena/Taker or AJ/Nakamura main event to leave the crowd happy… potentially.

Brad: Is there really any other scenario here beyond Roman Reigns slaying the beast? Reigns has been getting better reactions from WWE crowds in recent months and WWE has done enough damage to part-timer Brock Lesnar that this probably won’t be rejected like it could have otherwise. The best part of this match is Reigns will finally beat Lesnar and this cloud that’s been looming over WWE for years will finally pass. Make no mistake about it – Roman Reigns is now “the guy” and we’ll move on to the next chapter of his story where the big plot point isn’t so predictable a 4th grader could see it coming a mile away.

Consensus: Roman Reigns

What do you think of our picks? What are your picks for this Sunday? We want to know! Hit up the comments and share your WrestleMania 34 predictions. .