Seth Rollins Reveals John Cena’s Advice On Shoot Segments

The backstage segment between Seth Rollins and Matt Riddle on this past Monday’s Raw took this feud to the next level. The two already had tensions brewing up for a long time and Riddle reached his breaking point when The Visionary brought up his divorce into the conversation.

The former WWE Champion spoke to Ariel Halwani ahead of his match with Riddle at Clash At The Castle. He was asked if he crossed the line by bringing up the personal issues of his opponent into the mix. Rollins claimed that it’s not the case. He then revealed what John Cena taught him about shoot segments in wrestling:

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‘If It’s On Camera, It’s Fair Game’: Seth Rollins

“I mean, I don’t think so. This was something that I learned from working with John Cena. He always taught me to have a very thick skin when it came to whatever was said on camera because it’s fair game.” said Seth Rollins, “No matter what, if it’s on camera, it’s fair game. It stays out there and lives in that world. Backstage, that’s a different world. Those are two different things.

John always instilled in me, and I always feel the same way. And look, you can bring up anything you want about my personal life. I’ve got plenty of skeletons in my closet that you can talk about if you want, or things that I’m insecure about. You got to be prepared to handle that on the back end. So when you’re out there in front of a camera, I say anything goes.”

You can check out Seth Rollins’ full interview below:

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