WWE SmackDown Results (4/22/22) Lumberjack Match, Contract Signing, Gunther

This week’s episode of WWE SmackDown aired live from the MVP Arena in Albany, NY. Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair signed the contract to make the I Quit Match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship official at WrestleMania Backlash. Sami Zayn faced Drew McIntyre in a Lumberjack Match in the main event. In addition to the takeaways below, Lacey Evans had another promo ahead of her in-ring return.

SmackDown Results

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  • Xavier Woods def. Butch
  • Gunther def. Teddy Goodz
  • Riddle def. Jey Uso
  • Madcap Moss def. Angel
  • Drew McIntyre def. Sami Zayn in a Lumberjack Match via count out

Here are the takeaways from this week’s SmackDown:

Flair & Rousey Signed The Contract For The I Quit Match

WWE Official Adam Pearce was in the ring to moderate the contract signing for the SmackDown Women’s Championship I Quit Match between Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania Backlash. SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair made her way to the ring first as highlights of her beatdown of Drew Gulak from last week were shown. Ronda Rousey made her way to the ring with a smile on her face and high fived the fans.

Pearce said he needed to signatures before realizing that they didn’t have the contracts. Drew Gulak jogged to the ring with the contracts and said he prepared a very special Powerpoint presentation breaking down the rules for an I Quit Match. Charlotte told Gulak to shut up and the crowd started relentlessly chanted “you tapped out!” at Flair. Charlotte claimed that she was fixing her bra before turning her attention back to Rousey.

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Charlotte wondered about all the ways she could make Rousey quit and suggested the Figure Eight before saying it was too predictable. Flair said that maybe it will just be a good old fashioned beating and that she always finds a way to win. Rousey said there is no referee in an I Quit match. Flair boasted winning at Mania and the crowd chanted “you tapped out!”.

Rousey vowed to make Flair quit and went to sign the contract before Flair tipped the table over. Charlotte hit Rousey with a kendo stick but Ronda ripped it away. Rousey beat Flair down with the kendo stick before Drew Gulak broke it up. Rousey slammed Gulak to the canvas and applied an Arm Bar. Rousey signed the contract while maintaining the hold and then had a stare down with Flair to end the segment. Later on SmackDown, a “Beat the Clock I Quit Challenge” was announced for next week between the two superstars.

Xavier Woods def. Butch

Xavier Woods battled Butch in the first match of the night. Kofi Kingston accompanied Woods to the ring as SmackDown went to a break. Sheamus & Ridge Holland were in Butch’s corner for the match. Woods rolled up Butch for a two count to start off the action. Woods connected with some chops and followed it up with a Clothesline that turned Butch inside out for a two count.

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Butch got angry and leveled Woods with a forearm to the face. Butch unloaded some more strikes before Double Knees to the shoulder of Woods. Butch started bending back Woods’ fingers and then stomped on his elbow. Butch fish hooked Woods and slung him into the middle turnbuckle as Ridge & Sheamus chuckled ringside.

Woods sent Butch to the outside with a Back Body Drop and then delivered a Dropkick through the ropes that sent Butch tumbling over the announce table. Sheamus & Ridge got in New Day’s face and Butch capitalized with a flying forearm. Sheamus & Holland held Butch back as SmackDown went to a commercial break.

When SmackDown returned, Butch was still in control and had Woods trapped in the corner. Woods rolled up Butch out of nowhere for the pinfall victory. Butch flipped out after the match and attacked a security guard before exiting through the crowd.

After the match, Intercontinental Champion Ricochet was backstage having a conversation with Aliyah. Jinder Mahal & Shanky rolled up and Mahal wanted a title match. Ricochet wound up giving Shanky a title match next week and Mahal was annoyed.

Gunther Dominated

Ludwig Kaiser introduced Gunther and he came down to the ring as SmackDown went to a break. Gunther battled Teddy Goodz and Ludwig was ringside. Gunther connected with a big boot and an uppercut that knocked Goodz to the corner. Gunther hit a Suplex on Teddy and followed it up with a big chop to the chest. Gunther hit a Body Slam and posed in the ring before some more chops. Gunther applied a Sleeper Hold and then hit a Powerbomb for the pinfall victory.

Riddle def. Jey Uso

Riddle faced Jey Uso this week on SmackDown. Randy Orton and Jimmy Uso were ringside for the match. Before the match, RK-Bro had a conversation backstage. Drew McIntyre showed up and buried the hatchet with Orton. Riddle announced that they will be Lumberjacks in the match between Zayn & McIntyre later tonight. Sami Zayn then was revealed to be listening to the conversation.

Jey and Riddle locked up to begin the match as Roman Reigns & Heyman were shown watching backsage. Jey hit a shoulder tackle and knocked Riddle to the mat. Riddle hopped up and went for a Sleeper Hold but Uso escaped. Jey unloaded some punches to the face but Riddle responded with a Gutwrench Suplex.

Riddle sent Jey to the ropes but Uso caught him with a Clothesline and a stomp to the midsection. Riddle hobbled to the corner but Jey stayed on him with some punches and chops against the ropes. Riddle went for a kick but Jey rolled out of the ring. Riddle went for a Suicide Dive but Jey was ready and caught him with an uppercut. Jey sent Riddle into the steel steps and then taunted Orton by slamming him on top of the announce table as SmackDown went to a commercial break.

The action returned to the ring and the two superstars traded punches. Riddle unloaded a flurry of forearm strikes and a boot to Jey’s face. Riddle followed it up with a Pele Kick and a running forearm. Riddle hit an Exploder Suplex and went for a Senton but Jey got out of the way as the Tribal Chief nodded in approval backstage in his recliner.

Jey went for a Suplex but Riddle escaped and leveled him with a kick to the face. Riddle climbed to the top rope and hit the Floating Bro but Jey somehow kicked out at two. Riddle got Jey up in the Fireman’s Carry but Uso countered into a cradle for a near fall. Riddle connected with the draping DDT but Jimmy hopped on the ring apron. Orton snuck up from behind and slammed him on the announce table. Riddle went for the RKO but Jey countered into a pop-up Neckbreaker for a close two count.

Jey hit a Superkick and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Jey went for the Splash but Riddle got his knees up. Riddle then rolled Jey up for the pinfall victory as Roman Reigns was shown frustrated backstage. RAW Tag Team Champions RK-Bro celebrated as SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos exited to end the segment. The two teams will battle in a Winners Take All Unifying Match at WrestleMania Backlash.

Natalya & Baszler Confronted The Women’s Tag Champs

Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks & Naomi came to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd as SmackDown went to a commercial.

Kayla Braxton interviewed the champs when the show returned and said that they have been unstoppable since winning the titles at WrestleMania. Banks and Naomi said that they are trailblazers and flow so good together. Natalya & Shayna Baszler interrupted and joined the champs in the ring. Natlaya shouted that she is a three time Guinness record holder and Shayna vowed to stretch & snap every bone in their bodies. Shayna added that they are looking at the next Women’s Tag Team Champions. Baszler shoved Sasha Banks over to end the segment.

Happy Corbin Attacked Madcap Moss & Stole His Trophy

Madcap Moss faced Angel tonight on SmackDown. Happy Corbin tried to reconcile with Madcap backstage but Moss joked that Corbin had a better chance of growing his hair back. Moss then laughed in Corbin’s face before heading to the ring as SmackDown went to a break. A vignette for Rachel Rodriguez aired before the match and she will have her in-ring debut next week. Humberto Carrillo accompanied Angel to the ring for the match.

Moss shoved Angel to the corner to start off the action. Angel hit a forearm to the face and Madcap responded with a flurry of strikes. Moss hit a big shoulder tackle and sent Angel flying out of the ring and onto Humberto. Madcap taunted Angel before rolling him back into the ring. Humberto held Moss up and Angel caught him with a Dropkick. Angel delivered a chop to the chest but Moss shrugged it off and connected with a Fallaway Slam. Moss unloaded some strikes in the corner and then hit Humberto with a Clothesline as he entered the ring. Moss absolutely leveled Angel with a shoulder tackle and then hit the Punchline (Neckbreaker) for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Happy Corbin rushed the ring as Madcap Moss was celebrating his victory. Corbin hit Madcap with some punches to the face and then planted him with the End of Days. Corbin got out of the ring and took Moss’ trophy for winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal with him.

Sami Zayn Asked Roman Reigns For Help

Roman Reigns had a conversation with The Usos backstage. Paul Heyman interrupted and said that Reigns has a guest. Sami Zayn showed up and told Roman that he’s a big fan and acknowledges him. Zayn claimed to be a locker room leader and stated that he hears everything that is going on. Sami said he saw Drew McIntyre getting real chummy with RK-Bro.

Sami told Reigns that RK-Bro will be Lumberjacks in the match tonight and claimed that McIntyre and RK-Bro said very disrespectful things about The Bloodline. Zayn stated that he needs to defeat Drew McIntyre tonight and wondered if there was some way to get some help with that, he would more than happy to help in return. Zayn got on a knee and told Reigns that he acknowledges him and now needs Roman to recognize him. Sami left and Reigns told The Usos to “take my name out of their mouths” to end the segment.

Sami Escaped Again, Steel Cage Match Set For Next Week

Drew McIntyre battled Sami Zayn in a Lumberjack Match in this week’s main event. New Day, RK-Bro, Shinsuke Nakamura, Mansoor, Ridge Holland, Sheamus, Mahal, Shanky were the lumberjacks ringside. The Usos music hit and Sami celebrated as the SmackDown Tag Team Champions came to the entrance ramp.

Sami Zayn tried to escape the ring but the lumberjacks caught him and threw him back inside. Drew launched Zayn to the corner and hit him with a few chops. Sami knocked McIntyre out of the ring and Holland & Sheamus hit him with some strikes as SmackDown went to a break.

When SmackDown returned, Sami booted McIntyre to the outside again and the heels got in some shots before rolling Drew back into the ring. Drew launched Sami across the ring with an overhead throw and planted him with a Neckbreaker. Drew geared up for the Claymore but Sami rolled out of the ring. RK-Bro went to roll Sami back into the ring but The Usos attacked them. Jimmy and Jey beat Orton down and threw Riddle into the ring post before exiting.

The lumberjacks then all started to brawl and Sami tried to escape but Drew caught him on the barricade. Drew brought Sami back into the ring but then the heels attacked McIntyre on the outside. McIntyre got back into the ring as the lumberjacks continued to brawl. McIntyre sprinted across the ring and flipped onto everyone. Zayn once again took the opportunity to run away through the crowd. Adam Pearce came to the entrance ramp and announced a Steel Cage match for next week’s show.

Jinder Mahal then attacked Drew McIntyre in the ring and stomped him down. Shanky hit McIntyre with some kicks before Drew battled back with some headbutts. McIntyre leveled Mahal with a Claymore and stared at Sami Zayn in the crowd. Drew posed with the sword to close the show.
