2014 First Quarter Matches of the Year

3. Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro (NXT Arrival) – Although it sort of pales in comparison to their epic 2 out of 3 falls match last year, this match was still amazing from start to finish. These two work amazingly well together and the matchup helped legitimize NXT’s first pay-per-view event. Zayn taking an uppercut while flying through the turnbuckles was the type of move you rarely see in the WWE. He also sold Cesaro’s spinning uppercut better than anyone I’ve ever seen. These two put on a true classic and even hugged it out at the end.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt (Royal Rumble) – This match was the definition of a show stealer. The match had a perfect build, as Bryan at one point joined the Family before turning his back on Wyatt and his followers. The two also worked incredibly well together in a matchup that was fought at a methodical pace. Wyatt eventually won the slugfest clean after delivering a devastating Sister Abigail into the ringside barrier. They could have just packed up and went home after this match because everything that came afterward simply paled in comparison.

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1. The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family (Elimination Chamber) – After the Wyatt Family cost the Shield a chance at competing in the Elimination Chamber main event, there was no way the situation would be resolved in any manner other than the two battling it out in the squared circle. They did just that at Elimination Chamber after a number of memorable confrontations on Raw leading up to the event.

The crowd was equally divided during this contest, as one half chanted “Let’s go Wyatts!” while the other half shouted “Let’s go Shield!” This match featured great in-ring psychology with tension between the various members of the Shield. After a 20-plus minute contest that saw Roman Reigns go into straight beast mode, he eventually succumbed to the Wyatt Family in what is the match of the year so far.

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Let’s hear your opinion in the comments section. What is your match of the year so far? What is your most disappointing match of the year? What feuds are you looking forward to this summer?
