Chris Jericho Talks About WWE Going To Saudi Arabia

It doesn’t sound like Chris Jericho had the best time in Saudi Arabia. Before all the current controversy surrounding the country, WWE actually held a very successful Greatest Royal Rumble event there this past April. The company brought in several current and former stars for the show. One of those talents was Chris Jericho.

Jericho was briefly set to face The Undertaker in a Casket match. After some scrambling, however, that spot went to Rusev, and Jericho participated in the Greatest Royal Rumble match. Speaking to “Inside The Ropes,” Jericho detailed a rather unfavorable experience in the middle east:

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“Saudi Arabia is a very strange place,” said Jericho. “It was me Finlay, (Billy) Kidman, Jamie Noble, and Adam Pearce. Combined 200 years of experience. We just get dropped off at the terminal and we walk off like morons. We don’t have a handler or security.

“People there are very touchy-feely. ‘Selfie, selfie, selfie, selfie.’ I’m not kidding. Everybody wants a selfie. Times that by 100 and you start to get angry. And we’re surrounding by people. I start yelling, ‘get the f*ck out of my face.’

“And they’re all coming for me because the agents are all legends, but I’m the only guy they know. It’s like a zombie movie. I’m pushing through these people.”

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Jericho finished off by saying, if WWE wants him to return for any future shows in Saudi Arabia, they’re going to have to triple his pay:

“That was Saudi Arabia for ya. Now that I know how much money they made, they’re gonna have to pay me triple to come back.”

What do you think about Jericho’s experience in Saudi Arabia?

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H/T Fightful for the transcriptions
