Lacey Evans Has No Regrets Having a Baby in WWE Run Shares Original Ric Flair Plans

Macey Estrella does not regret taking time away from WWE to welcome another child into the world, the ex-Lacey Evans has revealed. 

In early 2021, Estrella began an on-screen romance with Ric Flair, who betrayed his daughter Charlotte in the process. A month later however, Estrella would announce on TV that she was pregnant. Despite initial beliefs that this was an angle and Flair would be revealed as the father, Estrella later confirmed she was having an actual baby.

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Macey Estrella on Being a Mom

This pregnancy would see Estrella become a mom of a baby girl for the second time in her life. Speaking on the Insight podcast, Estrella made it clear that parenthood has been important to her from a young age. 

“I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Unlike a lot of women, I’ve been with my husband since I was 15. We got married at 19. Since 16 years old, we’ve been picking our our kids’ names. We’ve always wanted to be a mom and a dad.”

While Estrella wanted to have a second child, she realized during her career in WWE that she was spending all her time on her career, rather than her personal goal. 

“When I was in WWE… [I thought] Man, I’m really giving my husband the s****y end of the stick here. He loves me and he supports me to the fullest but where are all of our babies at? Where is the sound of feet on our hardwood floors and the smell of bacon in the morning? Instead, we’re on a plane at 3:30 in the morning heading out to, I just thought, man.”

Speaking with Vince McMahon

With Estrella refusing to freeze her eggs, the ex-Superstar realized that her biological clock was ticking for a second child. Speaking on Insight, Estrella recalled going to see Vince McMahon about taking time off. 

“I went to Vince and I said ‘Hey Sir, I’m not being used and I want to have a baby.’ I won’t if you plan on using me. I’ll stand by and it’s Covid. I’m not being used and it’s Covid. He kind of got quiet and he says ‘Go have a baby.’ And I made sure because that man, that man is f***ing awesome. He has done a lot for me and my family. And I was just very thankful to be in that room having that discussion and having that opportunity.

“That was the game plan, I wasn’t being used and next thing you know, Talent-Creative [say] ‘Oh you’re going to be with Ric Flair and Charlotte’. And I’m like what the f**k?… Well I’ll be damned that the week before I’m supposed to get the title, I have my baby. And it was the best feeling in the world. That my husband now has another child he’s going to hold in his arms in nine months.”

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Estrella would not win the Raw Women’s Championship in early 2021 as planned, nor would she compete in a title match at that year’s WrestleMania as initially envisioned. Even though she never got close to holding a title again, Evans is against the notion that her decision was a bad one. 

“A lot of people say I ruined my career and this and that. But this morning I woke up and saw that little s**t looking at me with a big smile on her face and my husband waking up. You can’t tell me I ruined anything. I got exactly what I wanted.”

Estrella on Working with Ric Flair

Estrella’s pregnancy instantly ended her storyline with Ric Flair. On the show, the former Superstar explained what was supposed to come from her on-screen romance with the Nature Boy. 

“It was typical heel, to go after the title and get it. And I was supposed to get it.  But fortunately, Sunny Loretta decided that she was coming.”

For the use of quotes, please give an H/T to SE Scoops
