New Tag Team Champions Crowned At WWE Greatest Royal Rumble (Photos, Video)

Sheamus & Cesaro faced Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt for the vacant RAW Tag Team Championships tonight at WWE Greatest Royal Rumble. Matt Hardy started off Cesaro the match by trading “delete!” and “The Bar!” taunts. Hardy connected with a shoulder tackle and tagged in Bray Wyatt.

Bray ran into a boot to the face in the corner and Sheamus tagged in. Sheamus stomped on Bray in the corner and followed it up with a knee to the face. Wyatt responded with a Clothesline and tagged Hardy back in. Matt and Bray connected with a Leg Drop and a Senton on Sheamus. Bray Wyatt and Hardy then gave themselves a round of applause and the Jeddah crowd joined in on the fun.

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Matt planted Sheamus with a Neckbreaker for a two count. Sheamus blocked the Twist of Fate, and Cesaro connected with a cheap shot to Hardy as the ref was distracted. Sheamus shoved Hardy out of the ring and Cesaro hit another cheap shot. Sheamus brought Matt back into the ring and applied a Headlock.

Cesaro tagged in and continued the beatdown of Hardy. Sheamus got back in the match and dropped a knee onto Hardy’s chest for a two count. Sheamus quickly applied a Chin Lock in the middle of the ring as the crowd got behind Hardy. Matt broke the hold with a Jaw Breaker, but Cesaro tagged in and planted him with a Gutwrench Suplex for two.

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Sheamus tagged in and connected with an elbow to the face for another two count. Hardy finally was able to battle back and planted Sheamus with a Side Effect. Wyatt and Cesaro tagged in and Bray knocked Cesaro to the mat with a Clothesline. Wyatt knocked Sheamus off the apron and leveled Cesaro with a Crossbody for a two count.

Sheamus tagged in and connected with the White Noise. Matt Hardy ran into the ring and broke up the cover and then planted Cesaro with a Twist of Fate. Bray Wyatt planted Sheamus with the Sister Abigail and then tagged in Hardy. Bray lifted Sheamus up and Hardy planted him with the Twist of Fate for the pinfall victory. Matt and Bray are the new RAW Tag Team Champions. Sheamus & Cesaro will now join the SmackDown roster after WWE’s Superstar Shakeup.

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