(Spoilers) WWE Cruiserweight Classic Second Round Tapings

Below are spoilers from tonight’s WWE Cruiserweight Classic tapings from Full Sail University:

* Gran Metalik defeated Tajiri

* Kota Ibushi defeated Cedric Alexander in an amazing match that got a standing overation half-way through. After the match and off-camera, Cedric came back out for a big ovation. Triple H came out to pat him on the back as the crowd popped huge

* Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher

* Noam Dar defeated HoHo Lun

* Brian Kendrick defeated Tony Nese

* Rich Swann defeated Lince Dorado. They hugged after

* Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Drew Gulak

* TJ Perkins defeated Johnny Gargano in the main event. Gargano may have suffered a leg injury and was helped to the back. We will have more later
