Stu Bennett Talks Turning Down Offer For Nexus Reunion At WrestleMania 36

Stu Bennett gave some more insight

Darren Young isn’t the only former WWE star who has recently come out and stated that WWE had plans for a Nexus reunion as Stu Bennett shared some details. 

A few weeks ago, Young recently revealed that WWE had plans for members to return to form the group once again at WrestleMania 36. However, due to the coronavirus, those plans were nixed. 

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Bennett, also known as Wade Barrett, joined The Wrestling Inc Daily podcast for a new interview to offer more insight into the idea. Of course, he was the leader of the group. 

He recalled getting a phone call in January or February by the Talent Relations team in WWE. The company pitched a reunion to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Nexus at WrestleMania 36. 

“I actually turned it down as I didn’t like the offer or the plan. I saw Darren just after that and he said he was gonna go and do something with them. But I wasn’t going to be involved in whatever it was.”

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He continued, “In all honestly if it had been something more significant, I would have paid it more attention. But it was something, to me, that I wasn’t interested in doing. There was no benefit at all, for me, in doing it and I wasn’t excited about it, so I turned the offer down.”

The Nexus debuted on WWE television in June 2010. The group featured the likes of Barett, Daniel Bryan, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Michael Tarver, and Young. 
