Unseen Footage Of Dexter Lumis’ Raw Invasion

After making a surprise appearance following the main event of Raw last week, Dexter Lumis once again tried to invade the Red Branded show this week.

The episode featured a match between AJ Styles and Bobby Lashley for the United States Championship. At one point during the bout, The Miz and Ciampa showed up at the ringside.

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Miz was ready to attack Styles while Ciampa distracted the referee. However, Dexter Lumis apparently saved AJ from the attack.

Lumis stalked Miz which stopped him from taking the shot on Styles. The Tortured Artist was then quickly taken out by the security and disappeared from the broadcast.

Fans who were in attendance later posted videos from the show. As seen below, they show Dexter Lumis entering the arena and being escorted out by the security:

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The former NXT star was one of the featured stars of the development brand during the Wednesday Night Wars era.

However, Vince McMahon didn’t find his character interesting enough and he was released from his contract in April this year.

Triple H who has been on a hiring spree since taking over WWE creative brought him back last week. He has also re-signed stars such as Karrion Kross and Scarlett.
