WWE Greatest Royal Rumble: 50-Superstar Royal Rumble Match

50 Superstars competed in a Royal Rumble match tonight at WWE’s Greatest Royal Rumble event.

#1. Daniel Bryan was the first entrant in the match.

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#2. Dolph Ziggler entered the match second and locked up with Daniel Bryan in the middle of the ring. Ziggler brought Bryan to the corner and connected with a right hand. Dolph tried to eliminate Bryan, but Daniel was able to hang on to the top rope.

#3. Sin Cara was the third entrant and joined Ziggler and Bryan in the ring. Sin Cara connected with a Moonsault onto both Bryan and Ziggler. Sin Cara planted Ziggler with a Powerbomb and then hit a Crossbody to Bryan. Sin Cara followed it up with a Swanton Bomb to Bryan. Dolph hit a Superkick to Sin Cara and then Clotheslined him over the top rope. Sin Cara was the first Superstar eliminated.

#4. Curtis Axel was the fourth entrant in the Royal Rumble match. Axel stomped on Bryan in the corner and then walked into a couple of jabs from Ziggler.

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#5. WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry was the fifth entrant in the match. Henry immediately lifted Axel over the top rope and to the ring apron. Henry then hit Axel with a headbutt to eliminate him.

#6. Mike Kanellis entered the match at number six. Henry waited for Kanellis as he made his way down the ramp. Mike got into the ring and was immediately eliminated by a Clothesline from Mark Henry.

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#7. Hiroki Sumi was the seventh entrant. Sumi got into the ring and had a stare down with Mark Henry. Mark Henry quickly eliminated Sumi, but then Bryan and Ziggler eliminated Mark Henry from behind.

#8. Viktor entered the match at number eight and was quickly eliminated by Daniel Bryan.

#9. Kofi Kingston was up next and he tried to eliminate Bryan immediately. Daniel escaped and booted Kofi in the chest.

#10. Tony Nese entered the match and connected with a flurry of kicks to Kofi Kingston. Nese tried to eliminate Kofi, but Kingston escaped and knocked Nese to the canvas. Bryan delivered an uppercut to Nese as Ziggler stomped on Kofi in the corner.

#11. Dash Wilder entered the match and went after Tony Nese. Wilder then connected with a Clothesline to Bryan.

#12. Hornswoggle was the twelfth entrant in the Royal Rumble match. Hornswoggle helped Bryan eliminate Dash Wilder.

Hornswoggle lifted Kofi Kingston onto his shoulders and planted him with a Samoan Drop. Hornswoggle climbed up the turnbuckle, but Ziggler greeted him with a Superkick. Hornswoggle bit Ziggler in the hand but Nese booted him in the face and Hornswoggle was eliminated.

#13. Primo entered the match and botched a springboard attempt and tripped to the canvas. Kofi planted Bryan with a Tornado DDT.

#14. Xavier Woods joined the party and celebrated with Kofi Kingston in the ring. Kofi wound up on Woods’ back on the ring apron as Primo tried to pry Xavier’s fingers off the ropes. Woods climbed to the top with Kofi on his back and Kingston leaped and connected with a Crossbody onto Ziggler and Bryan. Tony Nese tried to dance with Woods and Kingston in the ring. That didn’t work out too well for him as they tossed him over the top rope to eliminate him.

#15. Bo Dallas was the fifteenth entrant in the Royal Rumble match. Bryan planted Kingston with a Suplex in the middle of the ring as Bo stomped on Woods in the corner.

#16. Kurt Angle came down to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd. Angle quickly eliminated Bo Dallas and Primo. Ziggler then hit a Superkick to Kurt Angle. Dolph charged at Angle but Kurt caught him and launched him over the top with a Belly to Belly Suplex.

#17. Scott Dawson entered the match and and beatdown Angle in the corner.

#18. Goldust entered the match at number eighteen. Goldust threw Woods over the top rope, but Xavier was able to hang onto the bottom rope and saved himself on the ring apron. Daniel Bryan connected with a flying knee off the top rope to Kofi Kingston.

#19. Konnor came down to the ring and went after Kofi in the corner. Woods saved his partner and the two teamed up on Konnor.

#20. The twentieth Superstar to enter the Royal Rumble match was Elias. Elias strummed his guitar and cut a promo while walking down the entrance ramp. Elias asked the crowd to shut their mouths as he slid into the ring. Elias eliminated Woods, Kingston and Konnor at the same time.

#21. Luke Gallows ran down the ramp as Bryan and Kurt Angle battled in the ring. Bryan connected with the Yes Kicks, but Angle caught his last kick and went for the Ankle Lock. Bryan escaped, but Angle planted him with an Angle Slam. Elias then eliminated Kurt Angle from behind.

#22. Rhyno was up next and he went after Dawson in the corner of the ring.

#23. Drew Gulak sprinted down the ramp and immediately attacked Daniel Bryan. Gulak and Dawson traded chops in the middle of the ring. Gulak got the upper-hand and tried to eliminate him in the corner of the ring.

#24. Tucker Knight of Heavy Machinery in NXT marched to the ring and beatdown Dawson in the corner. Knight knocked Elias on his ass and then tried to Suplex Gulak, but Drew countered into a Sleeper Hold. Knight shrugged him off and eliminated Gulak over the top rope.

#25. Bobby Roode entered his first Royal Rumble match and quickly planted Dawson with a Spinebuster. Roode hit a Blockbuster on Elias and then eliminated Goldust with a Dropkick. Bobby connected with an Atomic Drop to Dawson and then eliminated him.

#26. Fandango jogged down the ramp and delivered a couple of chops to Tucker Knight. Elias escaped elimination and rolled back into the ring.

#27. Chad Gable entered the match and planted Fandango with an Arm Drag. Gable lifted Knight onto his shoulders and dropped him to the canvas. Bryan and Gable then traded shots.

#28. Rey Mysterio was up next and got an awesome reaction from the crowd. Mysterio eliminated Luke Gallows with a Hurricanrana. Mysterio planted Gable with a DDT and then battled Elias in the corner.

#29. Mojo Rawley sprinted to the ring and immediately eliminated Fandango.

#30. Tyler Breeze had a conversation with Fandango on the entrance ramp before getting into the ring. Mojo blasted Breeze off the apron, but Fandango caught him. Breeze got back on the apron and Mojo quickly shoved him to the floor to eliminate him.

#31. Big E brought pancakes into the ring and started throwing them at Tucker Knight. Big E locked in the Abdominal Stretch, but Knight escaped. Big E planted Knight with the Big Ending and then eliminated him. Big E threw a couple of pancakes at Knight while he was laying on the floor.

#32. Karl Anderson entered the match and battled with Daniel Bryan. Anderson planted Roode with a Spinebuster and then posed in the ring. Big E decked him with a Clothesline and then threw him over the top rope. Anderson hung on and got back into the ring.

#33. Apollo Crews was the next Superstar in the match and went right after Gable. Crews connected with a standing Moonsault to Gable and then eliminated him.

#34. Roderick Strong from Undisputed Era in NXT came down to the ring and started chopping everyone in sight. Strong planted Roode with a Backbreaker and then delivered an awesome one to Mysterio. Roderick then eliminated Rhyno with a knee to the face.

#35. Randy Orton was the next entrant and the crowd erupted when his music hit. Orton leveled Mojo and Crews with a Clothesline. Orton hit Anderson with a Powerslam and then connected with a ridiculous RKO to Apollo. Orton eliminated Anderson, Mojo Rawley and Apollo Crews.

#36. Heath Slater entered the match and beatdown Elias in the corner. Slater tried to eliminate him but Elias was able to hang on.

#37. Babatunde from NXT joined the party and towered over everyone in the ring. Babatunde leveled Roode with a shoulder tackle and then stomped on Bryan in the corner.

#38. Baron Corbin came down to the ring and planted Rey Mysterio with the Deep Six. Corbin leveled Strong with a Clothesline and then Chokeslammed Roode over the top rope to eliminate him. Corbin then launched Strong over the top rope and Roderick was eliminated.

#39. Titus O’Neil tried to slide into the ring and tripped on the entrance ramp and went tumbling under the ring in an incredibly embarrassing/hilarious moment.

#40. Dan Matha from NXT was next up and went after Rey Mysterio in the corner. Cole, Graves and Saxton couldn’t stop laughing as WWE rolled countless replays of Titus tripping on the entrance ramp.

#41. Braun Strowman entered the match and quickly eliminated Babatunde and Dan Matha. Strowman then eliminated Big and Heath Slater.

#42. Tye Dillinger came down to the ring and joined everyone in trying to eliminate Strowman. Braun escaped and eliminated Titus O’Neil and Tye Dillinger. Orton connected with a Dropkick to Strowman and Mysterio followed it up with a 619. Orton hit Strowman with an RKO as Baron Corbin eliminated Rey Mysterio. Orton eliminated Corbin and then Elias eliminated Orton.

#43. Curt Hawkins was next up and he was eliminated with ease by Braun Strowman. Elias threw Strowman into the ring post a couple of times and then stomped on him in the corner.

#44. Bobby Lashley entered the match and posed next to the trophy on the entrance ramp as fireworks went off behind him. Lashley decked Elias with a Clothesline and then eliminated him. Bryan got back into the ring and connected with Dropkicks to Strowman and Lashley in the corner.

#45. The Great Khali was next and the giant made his way down the ramp to a great reaction from the crowd. Khali hit Lashey, Bryan and Strowman with a chop. Lashley and Strowman then teamed up and eliminated Khali. Strowman and Lashley then connected with Clotheslines and both Superstars fell to the canvas.

#46. Kevin Owens marched down to the ring and delivered a Cannonball to Strowman and Lashley. Bryan booted Owens in the face and sent him to the ring apron. Owens got back in the ring and planted Bryan with a Pop-Up Powerbomb.

#47. Shane McMahon entered the match and went after Kevin Owens. Shane hit an elbow to the face and then delivered a couple of punches. Shane stomped on Lashley in the corner, but Owens got back up and attacked Shane from behind. Shane planted Owens with a DDT and then danced around the ring. Shane and Bryan teamed up and hit Owens with a bunch of Yes Kicks.

#48. Shelton Benjamin went right after Shane McMahon and unloaded a flurry of punches to Shane. Benjamin leveled Bryan with a shoulder tackle and then kneed Lashley in the face. Owens shouted that everyone needed to team up and eliminate Strowman.

#49. Big Cass came down the ramp as Daniel Bryan waited for him in the ring. Cass will face Bryan at WWE Backlash. Big Cass beatdown Bryan and then delivered a big boot Strowman. Shane McMahon climbed to the top rope and hit the Coast 2 Coast Dropkick to Strowman.

#50. Chris Jericho was the final entrant in the Royal Rumble match and the crowd erupted when his music hit.

Jericho paused on the entrance ramp as Owens shouted at him to go away. Jericho connected with a Lionsault on Owens and then Dropkicked Cass on the ring apron. Jericho connected with a Codebreaker to Benjamin and then eliminated. Chris Jericho shrugged and locked in the Walls of Jericho on Kevin Owens in the middle of the ring.

Big Cass broke it up with a boot to Jericho’s face. Lashley connected with a Brainbuster to Big Cass. Bryan delivered a German Suplex to Owens and then went back to the Yes Kicks in the corner. Daniel followed it up with a couple Dropkicks and then shouted at Shane to go for the Coast 2 Coast again. Strowman hopped up on the apron and grabbed Shane by the throat. Strowman then Chokeslammed Strowman through the announce table.

Strowman eliminated Lashley, Jericho and Owens. Bryan and Strowman traded shots. Bryan tried to get Braun over the top rope but Braun escaped. Big Cass booted Bryan in the face and then eliminated him. Cass taunted Bryan after he threw him over the top rope.

It was now down to Big Cass and Braun Strowman. Big Cass unloaded a couple of punches and tried to Clothesline Braun over the top but Strowman held on. Cass went for a boot but Braun caught him and crotched him on the top rope. Braun then ran into Cass and knocked him to the floor to win the Greatest Royal Rumble match.
