WWE Greatest Royal Rumble: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns (Photos, Video)

Brock Lesnar defended his Universal Championship against Roman Reigns tonight in a Steel Cage Match at WWE Greatest Royal Rumble. Lesnar defeated Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania 34. Paul Heyman grabbed the microphone to introduce his client, Brock Lesnar.

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Lesnar connected with two German Suplexes to start off the match. Brock then hit a third German Suplex and stood over Reigns as he slowly made his way back to his feet. Lesnar then hit a fourth German Suplex and stood over Reigns once again.

Brock waited for Reigns to get up and then planted him with an F5 as the crowd cheered. Lesnar laughed and went for another F5, but Reigns escaped and hit three Superman Punches in a row. Reigns geared up in the corner and went for a Spear, but Lesnar caught him. Reigns escaped up to the top of the cage, but Lesnar caught up to him and grabbed Roman by chest protecter. Lesnar punched Reigns to the canvas and then Brock climbed to the top of the cage. Roman got up and grabbed Lesnar by the legs to drag him down. Reigns then planted Lesnar with a Powerbomb off the top rope.

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Samoa Joe was shown backstage watching the match. Joe will face Roman Reigns at WWE Backlash. Roman connected with a Spear and then followed it up with another one. Reigns bounced off the rope and delivered a third Spear to Brock Lesnar. Reigns went for the cover but Lesnar kicked out at two. Reigns called for the cage door to be opened and made his way towards it. Paul Heyman slammed the door into Reigns’ face and then Lesnar hit a second F5 for a two count.

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Heyman slid a steel chair into the ring as Lesnar took his gloves off. Brock went to hit Roman with the chair, but Reigns quickly got up and connected with a fourth Spear for another two count. Roman struck Lesnar in the back a few times with the steel chair. Roman hit another Superman Punch and then geared up for another Spear. Reigns connected with a fifth Spear through the cage and both Superstars fell to the floor outside the ring. It was then announced that Brock Lesnar hit the floor first after being Speared through the cage. Thus, Brock Lesnar is still the Universal Champion.
