WWE Money in the Bank 2014 Preview and Predictions

Paige (Divas Champion) vs. Naomi


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This feud seems to be more about the breakup of the Funkadactyls than about Paige and Naomi. It seems obvious that Paige will retain her Divas Championship during this one. The only question that remains is whether Cameron and Naomi will implode and part ways.

Winner: Paige by submission

The Usos (Tag Team Champions) vs. The Wyatt Family

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This match should be a real treat for fans. Both teams are great workers and this will undoubtedly be one of the most entertaining contests of the night. Harper and Rowan have started to distance themselves from Bray Wyatt a bit, cutting their own promos, appearing without Wyatt, and even debuting new entrance music.

After a strong back and forth with multiple near falls, the Wyatt Family will eventually pick up the win after Harper hits a clothesline on one of the Usos. The Wyatt Family will continue to pad their resume by picking up their first titles.

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Winner: The Wyatt Family by pinfall

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston (Money in the Bank Ladder match)


There is a good chance this is the first match of the evening, and if so, it will serve as an excellent opening contest. There is still no word on whether Bad News Barrett will compete, but it is probably safe to assume he will not be included in the match.

The focus of this contest will definitely be the battle between former Shield teammates Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Both superstars will be featured in the most important spots of the contest, including the finish. I think Rollins will win after outside interference from someone like Triple H or Kane. By stealing the victory away from Ambrose, it will set up a match between the two at Battleground, possibly for the briefcase.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus vs. Cesaro vs. Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Championship Ladder match)


The Authority has guaranteed the WWE Universe that there will be a new champion by stripping Daniel Bryan of his title and putting it up for grabs in a ladder match. Of the contestants, three of them have never held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Going into the contest, it appears that John Cena, Randy Orton, and Roman Reigns are the favorites to walk out with the gold. There was a leaked poster for SummerSlam that featured Brock Lesnar and John Cena, leading many to believe that Cena will be walking out with the titles. The WWE quickly tried to do some damage control by sending out an e-mail that speculated about the image.

I think a swerve ending where two superstars each grab a title is a possibility. This could lead to a unification match at Battleground, with the winner facing Lesnar at SummerSlam. I think they will bypass that route, however, and have Cena overcome the odds and recapture the title.

Winner: John Cena


What are your predictions for Money in the Bank? Post them in the comments section!
