WWE RAW Results (Slammy Awards): With VIDEOS

Slammy Awards: Match of the Year

Booker T and Jerry Lawler talk about the Slammy’s some more and they say it’s time to decide the Match of the Year. They introduce our next presenter, WWE Hall Of Famer Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Hart’s music plays and out comes “The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The Best There Ever Will Be.” Hart says there are thousands of matches in WWE every year and the hardest achievement for any Superstar is to have the best match every night. He says a good match can captivate an audience and change the night. He says a great match can change WWE history. Bret says Match of the Year is the one thing he cherished most in his career. He introduces the nominees for Match of the Year, which are …

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Match of the Year (presenter: Bret Hart)

– The Undertaker vs. CM Punk at WrestleMania 29
– The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 29
– Cody Rhodes & Goldust (w/Dusty Rhodes) vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns (w/Dean Ambrose) with the Rhodes Brothers’ jobs on the line at Battleground
– Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar in a Steel Cage Match at Extreme Rules

After the nominees are shown, the WWE App is plugged. Natalya’s music hits and out comes the WWE Diva, who stops by the podium to hug Bret before heading to the ring. We head to a commercial. We return from commercial and Bret Hart announces the winner: John Cena vs. The Rock at WrestleMania 29. Cena comes out. The crowd boo’s the hell out of him. He thanks the fans and says it’s a match he’ll never forget and since fans voted for it, they won’t either.

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The Slammy Award goes to: The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 29

Natalya vs. Tamina Snuka

Following the Match of the Year Slammy being announced, we head to the ring for Divas action. Tamina immediately goes to work on Natalya as AJ Lee looks on. This one didn’t last long, as quick interference from AJ Lee backfires, allowing Natalya to lock Tamina in the Sharpshooter. Tamina taps and Natalya wins.

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Winner: Natalya

The Ascension Ceremony

Immediately after the Divas match, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come to the ring. We head to commercial. When we return from commercial, 20 former WWE and World Champions are in the ring, along with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says we’re in the ring with a bunch of former champions and the pinnacle of that list is the 13 time champion Triple H. HHH thanks Stephanie and thanks “all the great champions” that stand in this ring tonight. He says they all know the hard work that it takes to become a champion. As HHH continues to speak, a loud “Daniel Bryan” chant breaks out. I love it. Daniel Bryan is shown smiling as he is one of the guys in the ring. The chants get incredibly louder as HHH tries to continue speaking. The Seattle fans aren’t stopping. HHH is waiting it out but it’s only getting louder. Mark Henry raises Bryan’s hand. Now the “Yes!” chants break out. HHH is still waiting it out. The fans are only getting louder. This is awesome. This is almost nothing to do with Bryan, yet the crowd is letting their voices be heard, supposedly what WWE claims they want, right? HHH says “that’s a lot of family for one building, Daniel. I should’ve known, a lot of ’em look just like you.” They all boo. HHH continues his speech about Sunday’s unification match. HHH first introduces the WWE Champion Randy Orton. Out comes “The Viper.” Stephanie McMahon then introduces the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. Cena comes out and the crowd boo’s the hell out of him much like they did earlier. A cord lowers in the center of the ring and HHH asks them to hand over their Championships so that they can be suspended above the ring. He says for one of them, it’s going to be the last time they’ll be known as champion. A loud “Daniel Bryan” chant breaks out again. Cena shakes Bryan’s hand. Orton says he knows better than anyone what Cena is and isn’t capable of. Orton says when Cena was trying to make a name for himself, he claimed to have ruthless agression. He says if he used to have it, he doesn’t anymore. Orton said Cena told him he got lazy last week.

The crowd does a loud “boring” chant as Orton tries talking over it. They ain’t stopping lol. Orton says Cena lies when he claims he doesn’t care about being the face of WWE. A loud “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant breaks out as Orton tries to continue speaking. He keeps trying and they keep getting louder. I think we have next year’s winner for the “Fan Participation” Slammy, eh? Orton addresses some of the Champions currently in the ring that he has embarassed in the past. Orton even brings up the Screwjob and talks about Bret. The crowd “oooh’s and ahhh’s” and that. A loud “you suck, you suck” chant breaks out as Orton wraps up his speech. Cena says one word and the crowd craps on him even worse. This crowd is awesome lol. Cena says he couldn’t help but notice Orton said the word “work.” He says “little example for one second” and grabs Daniel Bryan and brings him to the center of the ring. The crowd goes nuts. Cena says “tell these people your name, please.” Bryan says his name is Daniel Bryan. Cena asks where he’s from. Bryan says he’s from Aberdene, Washington. Cena asks if his mother or father was a former WWE Superstar. He says since he’s been here, you’ve had to work for everything you got? Bryan smirks and says “yes” in a normal voice. The crowd chants “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Cena says he worked for everything he has but Orton got everything handed to him. Cena says he’s going to hit Orton with some truth. Cena says Orton has been given everything. He says Orton hides behind HHH and Stephanie McMahon. Cena questions how Orton has the balls to say he’s better than any of the Champions in the ring. Cena says Orton has had behavior problems in the ring and outside the ring. Cena says the TLC match this Sunday is the biggest in WWE history. Orton says he wants the championships because he’s selfish. Cena says maybe if he wins them he can walk around and say, “hey guys, look! I’m finally what I was supposed to be 10 years ago.” Cena is killing it on this promo, folks. Real good Cena promo.

Cena addresses how nobody wanted to give Dolph Ziggler a chance. He talks about CM Punk being “The Best in the World.” He references Bryan’s only “legitimate” Championship shot being against Cena and Bryan won. Cena shakes Bryan’s hand and says if he wins on Sunday he looks forward to a rematch with Bryan, a “fair rematch.” Cena says when the chips are down he can be just as brutal as Orton. Cena sticks his hand out. He says this Sunday will be physical and brutal, and he will be at his very best, he just hopes Orton is too. He says the last thing anyone is gonna want to deal with is “another Randy Orton excuse.” He tells him “good luck on Sunday, you’re gonna need it.” Orton thinks for a minute and then shakes his hand. Orton cheap shots Cena and the two begin brawling. All of the Champions in the ring try and break them up. Orton pie-faces Punk so Punk beats up Orton. HHH pulls Punk’s hair so Punk beats up HHH. HBK comes out of nowhere and blasts Punk with Sweet Chin Music. Bryan blasts HBK with the running knee. Orton is shoved in Stephanie and Stephanie is down.

HHH checks on Stephanie. HHH gets pissed and nails Orton with a Pedigree. HHH, Cena and Kane help Stephanie up. The four stand there looking at Orton on the ground as the crowd pointlessly chants “Daniel Bryan” again lol. HHH’s music hits as we go off the air.
