WWE NXT Recap & Results (9/11)

Damian Priest Dominated

Damian Priest batted Boa on this week’s episode of NXT. Boa started trash talking and Priest decked him with a forearm to the face. Damian stomped on Boa in the corner and connected with an Enziguri. Priest planted Boa with a Falcon Arrow and then the Reckoning for the quick pinfall victory.

Johnny Gargano Is Staying In NXT

Johnny Gargano came down to the ring to “Johnny Wrestling!” chants from the NXT crowd. Gargano enjoyed the chants for a bit before saying that he has heard all of the rumors about his future. The crowd chanted “please don’t go!” as Gargano pointed out the “thank you Johnny” chant he heard at the end of his match at NXT TakeOver: Toronto.

Gargano shouted that he absolutely loves everything about NXT and said that they put on the absolute best wrestling show that this world has to offer. Johnny added that he has been here a long time and that he has made his choice. Gargano was about to announce his choice but was interrupted by Shane Thorne.

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Thorne strutted to the top of the entrance ramp as Johnny had a confused look on his face. Shane didn’t think any of this was necessary and claimed that Gargano is wasting everyone’s time. Thorne got into the ring and told Johnny that this place is going to be just fine without Gargano.

Shane claimed that it was his time to be in the spotlight and NXT is going to be better for it. Thorne told Johnny to take his bow and then take a walk. Gargano announced that he wasn’t going anywhere and Superkicked Thorne in the face.

Pete Dunne Tapped Out Angel Garza

Pete Dunne faced Angel Garza tonight on NXT. Dunne went after Garza’s fingers early and bent them back. Dunne followed it up with a Clothesline that sent Garza tumbling to the canvas.

Dunne went to stomp on Angel’s arm but Garza got out of the way. Garza threw Dunne out of the ring and followed him out there. Garza connected with a kick to the face and rolled back into the ring.

Garza hit Dunne in the face with a Dropkick but Dunne responded with a Powerbomb for a near fall. Dunne stomped away on Garza’s head but Angel battled back with a knee to the midsection. Garza went for a Moonsault but Dunne got out of the way and locked in a Triangle submission. Dunne bent back Garza’s digits once again and Angel tapped out.

Cameron Grimes Picked Up A Win

Cameron Grimes faced Raul Mendoza tonight on NXT. Mendoza controlled the action early and connected with a Hurricanrana. Mendoza hit Grimes with a couple of chops to the chest but Cameron connected with a Dropkick that put an end to Raul’s momentum. Grimes hit a Clothesline for a two count and then applied an Arm Bar.

Mendoza escaped and hit an Enziguri and then a Dropkick that sent Grimes to the corner. Raul climbed to the top rope and hit a Dropkick and followed it up with a Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Grimes hit a leaping Double Stomp for the pinfall victory.

Rhea Ripley Sent A Message To Shayna Baszler

Rhea Ripley faced NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler in the main event of this week’s show. Baszler went for a Waist Lock but Ripley broke free and planted Shayna with a Body Slam. Baszler applied the Kirifuda Clutch but Rhea escaped and Dropkicked Shayna out of the ring.

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Ripley lifted Baszler up in the Electric Chair and dropped her on top of the steel steps. Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke came down to the ring for a distraction and Shayna capitalized with a punch to the face. Duke slid in a steel chair and Shayna grabbed it. Baszler tried to hit Rhea but Ripley blocked it and hit Shayna with the chair to end the match in DQ.

Baszler retreated up the entrance ramp and was announced as the winner of the match by DQ. Rhea took a seat on the chair in the ring and dared Baszler to come back down to the ring. Shayna raised the title in the air as the NXT crowd chanted “Rhea!” to close the show.

Candice LeRae Was Added To The #1 Contenders Match

During the show, Candice LeRae approached NXT GM William Regal and complained about Io Shirai being rewarded for her actions. Regal added LeRae to the #1 contenders match next week and made it a Fatal 4-Way. If Rhea had won tonight, Regal stated that he would consider adding her to the match as well.

Announced for NXT next week:

  • NXT North American Championship Match: Velveteen Dream (c) vs. Roderick Strong (match will air in the first hour)
  • Street Fight: Killian Dain vs. Matt Riddle (match will air in the second hour)

It was also announced during tonight’s broadcast that Dakota Kai will be making her return to NXT soon.

Check out the post and video below for more details about NXT’s move to the USA Network starting September 18th.
