MLW Intimidation Games Results: Satoshi Kojima vs. Minoru Suzuki, Matt Riddle Defends NJPW TV Title, More

This recap was originally written by SEScoops’ staff writer Dominic DeAngelo on Catch the full replay of the PLE here at TrillerTV+

The Melrose Ballroom in New York City was SOLD OUT and for good reason as Intimidation Games packed a punch with three promotions coming together under Major League Wrestling! Not one, not two, not three, but four titles were on the line in The Big Apple and the PLE starts off in a big way with World Middleweight gold!


MLW World Middleweight Championship

Mistico (with Cesar Duran) vs. Rocky Romero (c) (with Salina de la Renta)

Rocky had a gameplan in place for this match, but it was saturated in disrespect as the champion attempted to get Mistico off his game by nearly tearing the challenger’s mask off his face.

The whole fight, which was full of many close calls, was teetering back and forth between both luchadors and even though Rocky tried to get Mistico off his game by literally ripping his mask, it didn’t deter the challenger from achieving his goal. He stayed true to his high-flying strategy and caught Rocky off-guard with his unbelievable headscissors to fujiwa armbar, causing the champ to immediately tap out!

WINNER and NEW MLW World Middleweight Champion: Mistico

Post-fight, Duran wanted Rocky to put his hair on the line in a hair vs. mask fight, but Rocky was not obliging.


NYC Street Fight

The Calling vs. AKIRA & Jake Crist

AKIRA and Crist waste zero time in attacking Rickey Shane Page and Sami Callihan as they take The Calling out and then dive on top of them to the outside.

The battle lives up to the stipulation as weapons are certainly used with Sami resorting to paper cuts and RSP making the most of his brute strength. RSP was cagey throughout this entire fight as he used size and speed against his former tag partner in AKIRA. However, both AKIRA and Crist did have an unexpected ace up their sleeve.

It was reported that Raven was lurking in the Melrose Ballroom somewhere, but when Cannonball went to get the tables from underneath the ring, they got the Blue Meanie instead!

Boards were broken, but spirits weren’t as AKIRA almost relished in the challenge at fighting RSP and Sami. He nearly was about to get the win with The Death Penalty, but was fought off and Crist got tangled with RSP. Sami took the opportunity to low blow Crist and RSP got him in a backslide and 1-2-3!

WINNERS: The Calling

AKIRA immediately goes on the attack to RSP and chaos ensues as the numbers games gets the advantage for The Calling. However, help is on the way as Jimmy Lloyd comes running down to help ward The Calling off! Sami wanted the trio to fight more, but sure enough, Raven appears on the big screen.

Raven asks that that Sami and RSP want to steal the name The Calling? Call his new faction The Response – “quote the Raven, nevermore.”

We see Tom Lawlor, MSL and Davey Boy Smith Jr are in the men’s bathroom and they feel it’s a good time to stake their claim for the World Tag Team gold. The Bulldog is relieving himself and doesn’t wash his hands as he makes clear it’s either “tap or snap” for Second Gear Crew.


Bobby Fish vs. Alex Kane (with Mr. Thomas & Faye Jackson)

Alex Kane is clearly focused and needs to be tonight against a game Bobby Fish. Fish is very much feeling confident and shows it in his offense.However, both men are quick to lock up and they work the ground game. Kane starts off on the offensive, and even locks in the Fade To Black early. Fish may have got a cheap shot in and then focuses on the left knee. It becomes a target for Bobby.

He has Kane on the defensive quite a bit in the bout, but Fish a little too cocky and he gets taken to Suplex Island. Sure enough, Kane finds the right opportunity and chokes Fish out in the Fade To Black!

WINNER: Alex Kane

Kane gets on the mic to acknowledge the fans in NYC, but AJ Francis stops the celebration. He says that many fans don’t even realize BOMAYE came from Muhammad Ali, but ended up dropping a bombshell on the group. “Some people in your ranks, may not be as loyal as you think they are.” The crowd “ooo’s” at that one as both Mr. Thomas and Faye dismiss that notion.


MLW World Tag Team Championship

WTF (Tom Lawlor & Davey Boy Smith Jr. w/ MSL) vs. Second Gear Crew (c)

WTF make it a point to try to take Manders out of the equation as DBS goes back to his hoss fight ways by delivering stiff elbows to the Corn Belt Cowboy. Matthew Justice rises to the occasion and splashes the sports entertainment out of DBS and Lawlor. However, once Manders gets back in, WTF take control. They go for the Hart Attack on Manders but Justice puls Lawlor out. SGC focus on DBS and hit him with a harsh spear and lariat combo. That’s curtains but Lawlor pulls referee Frank Gastineau out!

A table get presented and Lawlor is the one to fall victim to it. He gets Tornado DDT’ed by Justice through it in an amazing double team. Lawlor is twitching in pain as Manders covers: 1-2-no! MSL, who came in wearing a helmet to the ring, gets slugged by Manders. However, out comes Brett Ryan Gosselin and it allows DBS to grab the helmet and hits Manders with it. He gets covered by Tom Lawlor: 1-2-3. New champs!

WINNERS and NEW MLW World Tag Team Champions: WTF

The feed soon cuts and we see Mads Krule Krugger. He’s ready for one last war and he’s going to unleash his “new blood” into the league. “HAIL CONTRA!”


NJPW World Television Championship

Bad Dude Tito vs. Matt Riddle (c)

Both Riddle and Tito are game for this fight as each competitor shows speed, athleticism and strength is shown. Suplexes are readily exchanged before kicks and strikes are exchanged. Tito gets the better of the exchange with a massive lariat.

Tito says he’s gonna rip Riddle’s head off. However, Riddle hits a fisherman’s buster and then follows up with a Broton Bomb for two near falls. “BRO” chants echo throughout the Melrose Ballroom.

Tito spinebusters Riddle down and hits a frog splash for his own near fall. More strikes are exchanged. Riddle goes on a flurry but Tito slows him down when he gets his knees up. Tito knows how to grapple and it’s evident in this match.

Hard forearms are traded between the two and then so are strikes and suplexes. Tito hits a blue thunder bomb and it’s a near fall. Only 15 minutes in this fight. Riddle manages to hit a package tombstone and it’s good for the pinfall win.

and STILL NJPW World Television Champion: Matt Riddle


$5,000 Five-Minute Challenge

Janai Kai vs. ???

Salina de la Renta walks out with a bag of cash and issues the challenge to anybody in the back. Out comes a game Zoey Cannon from Boston. A quick boot to the corner then a massive roundhouse knocks Zoey out cold quickly. The ref calls for the bell.

WINNER: Janai Kai

We cut to Cesar Duran who is smiling proudly in his office with the Middleweight Title sitting in front of him. He issues a new challenge to Salina. He wants her best luchador in the War Chamber. Who will she chose?

It’s main event time.


MLW World Heavyweight Championship

Minoru Suzuki vs. Satoshi Kojima (c)

It should be noted that Kojima hasn’t competed in MLW or NJPW since his last Major League match. However, these two men know one another way too well and Suzuki is sadistic in his gameplan, greatly torquing the leg of Kojima.

Strong style and fighting spirit is greatly shown in this fight, but sportsmanship is out the window as Minoru makes plenty of moments to taunt his longtime rival. Kojima does hit Suzuki with a Kojima cutter and a lariato, but doesn’t get all of the latter. However, the two-time champ perseveres and nails a crisp one on the undefeated fighter in MLW and gets the emphatic 1-2-3!

WINNER and STILL MLW World Heavyweight Champion: Satoshi Kojima
