WWE Clash at the Castle Results: Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre, Dominik Mysterio, Tyson Fury

WWE Clash at the Castle aired live from the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. Roman Reigns will defend the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against Drew McIntyre in the main event.

Clash at the Castle Results

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  • Kickoff Show: Street Profits & Madcap Moss def. Alpha Academy & Theory
  • Damage Control (Bayley, Asuka, Alexa Bliss) def. Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss, Asuka
  • Gunther def. Sheamus to retain the Intercontinental Championship
  • Liv Morgan def. Shayna Baszler to retain the SmackDown Women’s Championship
  • Edge & Rey Mysterio def. The Judgment Day
  • Seth Rollins def. Matt Riddle
  • Roman Reigns def. Drew McIntyre to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship

Here are the takeaways from WWE Clash at the Castle:

Bayley Pinned The RAW Women’s Champion

RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair teamed up with Alexa Bliss & Asuka to battle Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai (Damage Control) in a 6-woman tag team match to begin Clash at the Castle.The crowd sang to Bayley and she tried to get them to stop. Bayley knocked Asuka off the ring apron and then Bianca attacked Iyo Sky. The two teams all got into the ring and brawled.

Bianca and Bayley were the two superstars left in the ring and Belair connected with a Hip Toss. Belair, Asuka, and Alexa Bliss then connected with a trio of Suplexes. The RAW Women’s Champion hit a Moonsault onto the heels for a near fall. Bianca fired up the crowd as Damage Control regrouped on the outside.

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Bayley beat Alexa down in the corner and tagged in Dakota Kai. Dakota stomped Alexa down to the canvas. Asuka tagged in and hit Bayley with a Dropkick to knock her out of the ring. Iyo then connected with a Dropkick on Asuka and the two traded strikes. Iyo rolled up The Empress of Tomorrow for a near fall. Iyo brought Asuka to the corner and tagged Dakota back in.

Alexa Bliss tagged in and hit Bayley with a Senton off the apron. Dakota sprinted around the ring and leveled Alexa with a Dropkick that sent her flying into the barricade. Back in the ring, Iyo launched Alexa into the turnbuckle and followed it up with slam for a near fall. Bliss connected with an a Sunset Flip Powerbomb on Iyo but turned around into a pump kick to the face from Kai for a near fall.

Iyo knocked Bianca off the ring apron with a Dropkick and then Bayley sent the champ into the barricade. Asuka tagged in and started handing out shoulder tackles and Hip Attacks. The Empress hit Iyo with a flurry of strikes and sent her soaring across the ring with a release German Suplex. Asuka went for the cover but Bayley broke it up.

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Bayley planted Alexa with a Uranage as Iyo booted Asuka in the head. Bayley tagged in and hit a Clothesline while Iyo held Asuka up for a two count. Asuka hit a Codebreaker out of nowhere and tagged in Bianca. The RAW Women’s Champion hit Bayley with a Spinebuster and a standing Moonsault for a near fall.

Alexa Bliss and Asuka sent Bayley to the mat with a Superplex off the top turnbuckle. Iyo took Asuka and Alexa out with a Moonsault outside the ring. Belair tried to Powerbomb Kai but she broke it up. Dakota climbed to the top but the champ sent her back down with a Fallaway Slam. Belair followed it up with a Powerbomb and then climbed to the top turnbuckle. The EST went for a Splash but Kai got out of the way.

Dakota missed wth a running kick but Iyo tagged in. Bayley grabbed Beliar’s hair and Dakota hit the running kick. Bayley connected with the Rose Plant and Iyo followed it up with a Moonsault. Bayley then covered Bianca for the pinfall victory.

Gunther Retained The Intercontinental Championship

Gunther defended the Intercontinental Championship against Sheamus tonight at Clash at the Castle. WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart was shown in the crowd before the match. The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland & Butch) accompanied Sheamus to the ring.

It appears that Imperium is back as Fabian Aichner joined Ludwig Kaiser in accompanying Gunther to the ring. Fabian had been performing as Giovanni Vince in NXT 2.0. Michael Cole referred to him as Vinci. Imperium and Brawling Brutes brawled as Gunther and Sheamus had another stare down. Butch took everyone out with a Moonsault and the match began.

Gunther and Sheamus traded strikes to start off the action. Sheamus responded with a Suplex and went for 10 Beats of the Bodhran but the champ escaped. The Celtic Warrior caught him on the other side of the ring but The Ring General hit him with some chops in the corner of the ring.

The champion controlled the next couple of minutes of the match with chops and strikes. Gunther unloaded chops and elbows until Sheamus dropped to the canvas. Gunther greeted The Celtic Warrior with a big boot to the face when he got up. The Ring General applied a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring as the crowd got behind Sheamus.

The challenger escaped but Gunther leveled him with a thunderous chop to the chest. Gunther delivered another one and Sheamus crashed to the canvas as the champ stood tall over him. Another chop to the chest but Sheamus got pissed off this time. Sheamus unloaded some forearms to the face but Gunther shrugged them off.

Gunther threw Sheamus out of the ring and then hit him with a Body Slam on the floor. Sheamus responded with 10 Beats of the Bodhran but Gunther was able to escape back into the ring. Sheamus caught him against the ropes and unloaded some more forearms to the chest but Gunther escaped.

Sheamus caught Gunther against the barricade and hit 10 Beats of the Bodhran again as the crowd cheered. The two traded chops in the middle of the ring as the crowd was behind Sheamus. Gunther delivered a German Suplex but Sheamus got right up. The Celtic Warrior hit a knee to the face and went for the cover but Gunther kicked out at two.

Gunther went for a Powerbomb but Sheamus countered into White Noise for a near fall. The champion dodged a Brogue Kick and delivered a Dropkick. Gunther followed it up with a Powerbomb for a close near fall. The Ring General hit some more chops and climbed to the top turnbuckle but Sheamus tripped him up.

Sheamus hit the Celtic Cross and went for the cover but Gunther kicked out at two. Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick but his back gave out. Gunther hit a Powerbomb and then a lariat for teh pinfall victory. Gunther is still the Intercontinental Champion. Sheamus got a wonderful reaction from the crowd after the match.

Liv Morgan Retained The SmackDown Women’s Championship

Liv Morgan defended the SmackDown Women’s Championship against Shayna Baszler at WWE Clash at the Castle. Liv connected with a Dropkick and a knee to the face to start off the match. Shayna quickly battled back and targeted Liv’s arm. Shayna leveled the champ with a forearm to the face for a near fall.

Baszler planted Liv with a German Suplex for a two count and then booted the champion’s injured arm. Liv avoided a kick and hit a Dropkick off the top rope to knock both superstars down. Morgan leaped off the middle turnbuckle but right into a knee to the face from the challenger for a two count.

Shayna followed it up with a Gutwrench Suplex for another near fall. Baszler got Morgan in the Kirifuda Clutch but the champion was able to escape. Liv connected with Oblivion for the pinfall victory and retained the SmackDown Women’s Championship.

Edge & Rey Picked Up A Win, Dominik Attacked

Edge & Rey Mysterio battled The Judgment Day tonight. The Rated-R Superstar was wearing a lucha mask for his entrance. Dominik accompanied Rey to the ring for the match. Rey connected with a Hurricanrana on Balor to start off the action. Damian Priest tagged in and pointed at Edge.

Priest caught Edge with a right hand to the face and beat him down in the corner of the ring. The Rated-R Superstar battled back and launched Damian to the floor. Edge Powerbombed Rey onto Judgment Day outside the ring. Rey went for a springboard move but Damian countered into a Powerslam in the ring for a near fall.

Damian connected with a big Dropkick on Rey for another two count. Balor tagged in and planted Rey with a Suplex as Rhea laughed ringside. Damian tagged in and threw Rey to the outside. Balor charged but Rey countered into a Back Body Drop over the barricade. Damian leaped onto the barricade with Rey but Mysterio tripped him up and Priest had a rough landing.

Back in the ring, Edge and Balor tagged in. The Rated-R Superstar hit a DDT as Rey connected with a Senton on Damian outside the ring. Edge then hit a 619 and Rey followed it up with a Splash. Edge went for the cover but Damian broke it up at two. Damian went for a Chokeslam on Rey Mysterio but Edge broke it up with a Spear through the ropes.

Balor slid Rey under the bottom rope and to the floor. Edge bounced Balor’s head off the turnbuckle but Finn responded with a Slingblade. Balor followed it up with a Dropkick in the corner before climbing to the top rope. Rey broke it up and sent Balor down with a Hurricanrana. Rhea Ripley attacked Dominik outside the ring and lifted him up. Rey flew out of nowhere and hit them with a Splash.

Rey went for the 619 but Balor broke it up. Dominik tripped up Finn and Rey hit him with the 619. Edge immediately followed it up with a Spear on Balor for the pinfall victory. After the match, Dominik hit Edge with a low blow before leveling Rey with a Clothesline. The Judgment Day laughed ringside as Dominik exited. Edge and Rey then shared a hug.

Seth Rollins def. Matt Riddle

Riddle and Seth Rollins squared off tonight at Clash at the Castle after weeks of brawling on RAW. Riddle hit a Gutwrench Suplex and followed it up with a couple of Brotons for a two count. The action spiled out of the ring and Seth hit Riddle with a Powerbomb onto the barricade.

Back in the ring, Seth posed as the crowd booed. Rollins controlled the action for a bit and connected with a Superplex. Seth went to transition into the Falcon Arrow but Riddle countered with a Fisherman’s Buster. Riddle hit an Exploder Suplex and Rollins rolled out of the ring. Matt then connected with a springboard Splash and rolled Seth back into the ring.

Seth climbed to the top turnbuckle and went for a Moonsault but landed on his feet after Matt rolled away. Riddle connected with an Enziguri and then a running knee to the face. Matt connected with a German Suplex and went for a Powerbomb but Seth escaped. Seth connected with the Pedigree and went for the cover but Matt kicked out at two.

Matt went to bash Seth with a steel chair but Rollins ran away. Riddle chased Seth into the ring and Rollins caught him with the Stomp. Rollins climbed to the middle turnbuckle and delivered a hit a massive Stomp for the pinfall victory.

Solo Sikoa Helped Roman Reigns Retain The Undisputed WWE Universal Championship

Roman Reigns defended the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against Drew McIntyre in the main event of WWE Clash at the Castle. The Usos were not “medically cleared” to travel to Clash. Paul Heyman was not with Reigns as well. The match started off slow as the crowd was electric and the two superstars finally locked up in the middle of the ring. Karrion Kross and Scarlett were shown watching in the crowd.

McIntyre leveled Roman with a shoulder tackle and Reigns rolled out of the ring. Roman and Drew traded punches in the corner of the ring. McIntyre sent Roman out of the ring with a Clothesline and Drew followed him out there. Drew launched Roman into the steel steps and rolled back into the ring to break referee Charles Robinson’s count.

Karrion Kross threw a water bottle at Drew and McIntyre got in their face. Roman capitalized with an uppercut and launched McIntyre into the ring post. Back in the ring, The Tribal Chief beat Drew down some more before launching the challenger into the ring post once again. Roman followed it up with a Clothesline and went for the cover but Drew powered out at one.

Roman hit a big boot for another one count and Roman started to get pissed off. Reigns started smacking McIntyre in the face and taunting him while the crowd booed. Drew and Roman both went for a Suplex but both superstars blocked it. Reigns beat McIntyre down and demanded a microphone. Reigns shouted “acknowledge me!” into the microphone and turned around into a Glasgow Kiss and both superstars fell to the mat.

McIntyre sent Reigns across the ring with a Belly to Belly throw and then hit a Neckbreaker. Drew kipped up to a huge pop from the crowd in Cardiff. Drew set up for a Claymore but Reigns rolled out of the ring to regroup. Roman hit a couple of punches and rolled Drew back into the ring.

Drew went for the Future Shock DDT and went for a Spear but Drew countered into a Spinebuster. Roman hit a Uranage on Drew and got his first two count of the match. Drew went for a Claymore but Roman countered with a Superman Punch for a two count. Roman went for a Spear but Drew countered with a kick. Reigns bounced off the ropes and connected with the Spear but McIntyre somehow kicked out at two! Roman was in disbelief as the match continued.

Roman locked in the Guillotine choke but Drew escaped. McIntyre launched Roman into the ring post and the champ fell to the floor outside the ring. Drew delivered a Spear to Roman through the barricade and rolled him back into the ring. McIntyre went for a Claymore again but Reigns countered into another Spear. Roman went for the cover but McIntyre kicked out of the Spear once again!

Reigns started shouting at referee Charles Robinson that he wasn’t counting fast enough. Roman grabbed the referee and McIntyre hit a Claymore. Roman fell into the referee and Austin Theory’s theme hit. Austin was about to cash in but Tyson Fury leveled him with a punch to the face. Roman brought a chair into the ring but Drew leveled him with a Claymore. Drew went for the cover but Roman kicked out at two this time.

The crowd was buzzing as both superstars slowly made their way to their feet. Drew and Roman traded punches from their knees in the middle of the ring. McIntyre and Reigns battled to their feet and traded some more punches. Roman hit a Superman Punch, but McIntyre responded with a Glasgow Kiss. Drew hit a Spear and followed it up with a Claymore.

Drew went for the cover but Solo Sikoa (The Usos younger brother) pulled the referee out of the ring. Roman then leveled Drew with a Spear for the pinfall victory. Roman Reigns is still the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. After the match, Tyson Fury got into the ring with Roman Reigns. The two shook hands and Reigns exited the ring with Solo Sikoa. Tyson Fury then grabbed and told Drew he should be proud of himself. McIntyre thanked the crowd and everyone sang a song to end the show.
