Sheamus Responds to Online Body Shaming

WWE superstar Sheamus made his highly anticipated return to the company on the April 15 episode of WWE Monday Night Raw. He took on Ivar in a physical matchup that saw him win with his signature Brogue Kick. Although some fans were happy to see him back after neck surgery, he drew criticism over his physique. 

Sheamus appeared noticeably heavier than when he last appeared on WWE TV. While he competed similar to what he had in the past, some fans couldn’t help poking fun at his body. This has led to a debate on social media and memes from fans criticizing ‘The Celtic Warrior’ appearance. 

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After his match with Ivar, the WWE superstar noticed the fan reaction and tried to play it off. The following day, he responded to fans’ body-shaming by writing on Twitter that “I’m just big boned.” 

After hearing more complaints from the internet wrestling community, Sheamus took to Twitter again to defend himself. 

Sheamus Comments On Body-Shamming From Fans

On Twitter, the former WWE Champion acknowledged the body shaming he’s received by posting a meme about himself. He also shared that he wasn’t supposed to compete on the April 15 episode while preparing for a return at the WWE Draft. However, he has been working to get back into the shape he desires. 

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Unfortunately, some of the WWE fanbase continued to body-shame Sheamus, leading to his supporters coming to his defense online.

Fans Come To Defense Over Sheamus Being Body-Shamed 

In response to the criticism over Sheamus’s physique, wrestlers and wrestling content creators have come to his aid on Twitter. One of the notable support came from Impact Wrestling superstar Jordynne Grace.

“Every single person I’ve seen talking shit either doesn’t have a profile or look like they haven’t lifted a weight in their entire life,” wrote Grace. 

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More support has come in for Sheamus. Here are a few. 

The USA Channel Twitter account has also expressed support for ‘The Celtic Warrior’ by posting, “You look great!”

What’s Next For Sheamus?

Although Sheamus is receiving negative backlash, he also has fans who are happy that he is back and ready to speak in his defense. As stated in his tweet, he prepares to make the best of his return. 

The win over Ivar was an excellent showing for his comeback and set up opportunities for the future. Sheamus will be involved in the WWE Draft from April 26 through April 29. It’s unclear what he’ll sign with, but the former WWE Champion will likely want to make his presence felt. If his match with Ivar indicates his condition and motivation, Sheamus could be a force to be reckoned with in WWE.
